Igniting ComArtSci

My team and I completed this project for Michigan State University’s College of Communication Arts and Sciences. We presented this to the Dean and the staff of the college. We analyzed ComArtSci and the feelings around the college, and came up with a strategy that would revolutionize it. I worked on every part of the […]
The Current – Winter 2019-2020

Below is the winter issue of the magazine, The Current. It captures current events and is geared to 18-35 year olds within the Lansing and East Lansing area. For this issue, I made the layout, cover, and wrote an article about gun violence on page 26-29, which is where the above photo is from. For my […]
DTE: Know Your Own Power

I did a project on the company DTE. It’s a major power company in Detroit. It powers the city and its surrounding cities. I created a campaign centered on social good and here is the commercial for it. The campaign centered on using the company’s motto and beliefs about helping the community to also champion […]
We Are With Dissent

This is the text that I wrote for a manifesto spread about literature. It displayed different important figures and literature and how they affected the world. We Are With Dissent Words can transform anything. They create dreamers, thinkers, and strivers. What will you be? Readers follow the sword-fighters, space travelers, and the every-day […]