Art Director | Designer | Creative Strategist 
Detroiter & Concoctor Of Crazy Ideas


Spotify: Daily Drive

My team and I created this case study for the Young Ones 2020 competition. Spotify wants more people to use their app to listen to music in the car. We came up with a car show experience made for Spotify fans to promote the app and partnered with car companies to host it. Take a […]

Lansing Made

My team and I created this for our client, Lansing Made. They are a tourism company that partners and advertises with local Lansing companies. They also have a store where they sell their goods and others made by people in the community. We rebranded them and made suggestions. Within the powerpoint are the deliverables that […]

The Current – Spring 2020

Below is the winter issue of the magazine. The Current captures current events and geared to 18-35 year olds within the Lansing and East Lansing area. For this issue, I made the layout, cover, and edited. Below is a graphic that I also created for the magazine.  

Golden Goddess Wine

This wine brand is based on the Greek Goddesses. I was inspired by my trip to Greece a couple of years ago and wanted to show a new version of representing them through my own work. The typefaces that I chose were very classically greek. I used gold to go along with my company name, and […]