Preventing Abuse – Traverse Bay Child Advocacy Center

This piece won a Bronze ADDY at the 2020 Mid-Michigan ADDY competition. Parents often see their children as being their property. They are seen as not having any rights, despite the law giving them some. In the eyes of parents, kids only have to follow the rules under their own roof. Well it’s time […]
The Current – Winter 2019-2020

Below is the winter issue of the magazine, The Current. It captures current events and is geared to 18-35 year olds within the Lansing and East Lansing area. For this issue, I made the layout, cover, and wrote an article about gun violence on page 26-29, which is where the above photo is from. For my […]
The Offbeat

I created the following below for the literary journal, The Offbeat, for the AWP Conference and launch parties on MSU’s campus. Hundreds of each were printed and handed out to visitors at a booth during the conference for the journal, and as well for the launch parties. The smaller ones are postcards, and the bigger […]