Art Director | Designer | Creative Strategist 
Detroiter & Concoctor Of Crazy Ideas




My friend and I have joked about creating a restaurant for a while. She’s an amazing cook and we are very passionate about food and plants. We only buy produce and some goods from local farmers within our areas. With this passion in mind, I decided to try to make our dream a reality.

The dishes would only be made with local grown materials, such as meat, fruits, and produce. I named it after my friend, whose last name is Tomaszewski. For the name of the restaurant, I shorten it to Toma. It will have dishes from around the world and fueled by its community. Here are the branding pieces, I made for our dream. I hope we’ll be able to create it one day.


Role: Art Director, Designer, & Copywriter


For this, I executed my vision by creating social media posts, logo, products, and more.